It’s okay…

The first few weeks after Amelia Mae was born, I was so stressed out because my house was in disarray and I didn’t feel organized like I usually am. Well, looking back now I wish I would’ve just told myself, “It’s okay.”

There are so many more things to focus on during this time than worrying about everything being perfect. So, to any new moms or moms-to be out there, please take these words to heart:

The laundry is piling up.
The toilets need to be cleaned.
Dust bunnies are starting to hang out under the couch.
The dishwasher needs to be loaded with the dirty dishes from the past week.
You haven’t brushed your teeth yet today and it’s already noon.
What’s a hairbrush?
Your makeup hasn’t seen the light of day in the past three weeks.
If you change out of pajamas it’s nothing short of a miracle.
The baby clothes you spent so long organizing in the drawers and closet are completely out of order.
The dogs smell.
You smell.

These are all things that you may feel during the first weeks–and probably even the first months–of having a new baby.

It’s okay. It’s all okay.

It’s been seven weeks since Amelia was born, and I’m learning to let go of a lot of this stuff. We have gotten into more of a routine, so that definitely makes it easier. But, I’m not stressing over the things that I’m not able to do because I’m so focused on the amazing things that I am able to do. Like, nurture and nourish a beautiful baby girl!


She had her first tear today! 😦

2 thoughts on “It’s okay…

  1. I still have a hard time with this and Linc is 14 weeks now! It’s nice to hear from another Mommy with the same mindset…even though I still find myself trying to fall into my old perfectionist ways. But then there’s the moments, when they snuggle closer to your chest and sigh when you realize it won’t be like this for long and it is so perfect! What a ride, right?


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